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Mechanic John Peltonen — likely one of the few people remaining in the Bay Area with the expertise to complete the task — rebuilds a small engine’s carburetor. (Rick Olivo/Staff photo)
Axel’s owner Dan Grahek reaches for a part hidden among the scores of boxes, drawers and cabine
The news roundup today includes the question encouraged by her silence on teacher pay: Can Sarah Huckabee Sanders be elected governor without ever taking questions or talking specifics about public policy? The line is open.
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Throughout the nearly 250 years of U.S. history, every state has played an important part in shaping the country into what it is today. Though each has made its mark on American history, in all 50, one event stands out as the most significant to have occurred within its borders.
In many
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HomePixel/iStock via Getty Images
Admiral Group plc (OTCPK:AMIGY) shares rose 12.6% in London on Wednesday (August 10) after better-than-expected H1 2022 results.
We upgraded our rating on Admiral to Buy in October 2020. Shares fell to a mu
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Partly cloudy skies. Low 54F. Winds li
Since her debut in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars movie, Ahsoka Tano has carried numerous lightsabers. Here's how her weapon evolved over the years.
Ahsoka Tano's lightsabers have evolved since her debut in the Star Wars franchise. Ahsoka made her first appearance in the Star Wars: The Cl
Pilots of a helicopter flying over British Columbia's coastline suddenly lost control, then an engine shut down before the aircraft started to spin and crashed into a rocky ridge, a just-released report on the 2021 crash details.
The pilots, who'd been flying from the Sunshine Coast to
Daniel Donadio, left, and Cynthia Mousseau, staff attorneys for the New England Innocence Project, filed a motion on Wednesday they hope will lead to Jason Carroll’s early release from state prison. Jason Moon / NHPR
Jason Carroll pictured with his sister Jackie Carroll-Hugh
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